In The Form of a Question <AUTHOR> <COPYRIGHT> 2024 <SIZE> 15x15 <GRID> SKIP.MARE..BLUB ONME.ATEN..RASE WEPT.ROAD.JONES NWHI.INTOSEWERS .DAT.NEE.TOSS.. TERESA..SUP.... ELABORATE.ARAT. WHOISALEXTREBEK .IHTN.PAULDIRAC ....ADS..DYNAMO ..NONO.MII.SSI. THEANSWERS.TISA PATTY.INK1.AOSN KITH..NUMB.TNUT SLYS..DSLR.ESES <REBUS> 1:DOT:D <ACROSS> Avoid Female equine Sob "That's ______." Great score Completely destroy (alt.) Sobbed One with a fork, maybe? Have a fixation on Northwest Hawaii, briefly Where Ninja Turtles might go at the end of the day Not dis Originally Lob Famous Mother "How you doin'?" Explain in greater detail "I smell _____" A question no fan of 18-Down would ask "Thin," but all mixed up English theoretical physicist with fundamental contributions in the field of quantum mechanics Conan O'Brien might voice them on his podcast A generator or an extremely energetic person Something that's against the rules, say, to a baby Nintendo avatar Paid to retirees in the USA What 18-Down typically provides its contestants "_____ Great Salvation" (hymn) Patty ___ MLB test for wood bats Arkansas Out of School Network, for short Kin partner Not feeling pain Wood fastener named for its shape in profile A sly solver, or really a sly *anyone*, might notice there are two in this clue Fancy camera type, in brief Men, formally, in Spanish <DOWN> Having scattered, as across the earth Was aware of a city in India? How Ramses II might introduce himself? A very, very small amount Pasta sauce Make amends Consumed again Prefix meaning "internal" Bert has one, Ernie has two A highway might have several One at a computer, perhaps Porgy and ____ See 35-Across Disco-lover on the Simpsons Obsolete word for working leather What one might call to a particular babysitter in an emergency? Where one might learn the birds and the bees? Specific mountains Coffee alternative Put back in, as a rule Cuts Matter best handled by the players themselves Explaining the .com alternative for Brazil The carbon monoxide transfer coefficient, in brief Uno's sequel Outhouse Vows Where one might order from Annoy Martin Landau, expressed more compactly Like Hwys _____ to the Chief Word with "up" or "down" Picnic ruiners <NOTEPAD> Created on